Life Lesson in Reading the Signs of Needing a Career Shift

There are telltale signs I see when a woman is on the brink of a career shift. Maybe you've been wondering, ‘what's going on with me, why do I feel like this, or what's happening to me?’ I want to talk to you about a path forward for getting expert-level mentorship and career support.

Here are the signs that you're ready for something new in your career.

First, you may realize every little thing about your job, your current career, or your current organization bothers you. So many high-achieving professional women have experienced this overwhelming dread about work at some point. This often signals a career shift is in order. 

Second, you've been constantly daydreaming about what's next. If you have such a strong desire for what's coming, you can't truly be in the present. And why would you live in the moment when that moment is depressing. Looking toward the future constantly may be a sign that you're ready to move on and make the future happen.

If the little things annoy or overwhelm you; and if spending all your time wishing has you stressed, frustrated, and disengaged — you're ready for something new in your career. 

Sometimes we overlook these signs and start in with the excuses: I don't know what's going on with the economy. I need to wait for my partner. I’ll be ready after I finish school. We come up with all of the reasons ‘why not’ while ignoring the reality that we are settling.

But I'm here to tell you that you need to recognize the signs, listen to yourself making excuses, and focus on what you feel in the pit of your stomach. If your gut tells you that this role, job, organization, or this relationship with that supervisor is not a good fit for you, pay attention. You need to listen to your body.

Schedule a call with me today.

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