Life Lessons in How to Stop Stalling Your Career Success

Stop waiting on your boss to retire. Stop waiting until you finish a degree or complete a certification. Stop waiting till spring. Stop waiting your turn.

Too often I see high-achieving professional women waiting their turn at work which is a severe detriment to excelling in their careers. This plays into feelings of doubts around self-worth or their own value. It also perpetuates an idea that they’re not currently good enough.

This is your year and it's now your turn.

Women typically wait because they put their family first, try to make other people happy and not to disappoint anyone, or want to wait for direction from management. 

Right now is permission that releases you from waiting. You have permission. The things that you want, the things that you desire for your career, you have permission to pursue now. It's time to release those elementary applications in your life and actually move into applied strategy.

Let me invite you into this way of thinking about it — you can commit to getting out of a low-level, low-paying job with no autonomy, and no support — or you can commit to finding a higher-level role where you have autonomy and flexibility, and make more money so you can prioritize mom's care to hire help with the things you are currently putting first. 

This is the first area where I see women waiting — putting their family needs ahead of their career needs. And in fact, putting family first may mean that you need to invest in your career because earning more money provides more flexibility, being less stressed at work, doing meaningful work so you can be happy when you come home which would actually really benefit your family.

The second type of waiting is waiting on management, senior-level leaders or bosses, to make changes which might allow them to take action in their career. Stop waiting your turn to be paid more, promoted, acknowledged, valued, and respected at work. Those are things you can command now.

And if you're not sure how to command that, let me mentor you. I'm here to prepare you.

I'm excited to help you find a secure, new role or advance to the highest levels of leadership in your career.

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Schoolin Life