Mentor Me Career Health Assessment



What to expect👇🏼:

✋🏾 Identify the most pressing issues facing your career and holding you back from more money, more impact, and more fulfillment.

✋🏾 Uncover gaps in your professional development that could be limiting your options.

✋🏾 Know exactly where to improve as you advance your career and how to take those steps today.


About me

Hey, I’m Ashley

Helping women reach executive-level roles is my jam.

Actually seeing women earn more money and have more impact in their chosen industry is my favorite activity, and I know it’s yours too.

I went from struggling with imposter syndrome—often feeling like I didn’t have what it took to get in or stay in the room and that no one was listening—to becoming the foremost expert in my industry.  Now every week, I turn down multiple requests to speak about my work and working in my zone of genius (what I refer to as my “career area of impact”).

I’ve helped hundreds of women all over the globe in industries like corporate sales, engineering, higher education, government, social work, strategic communications, and more.

My life’s work is to serve God by serving women, to help them make more money and to have more impact in their careers.

I would love nothing more than for you to be my next mentee.

Get FREE career strategy on my Instagram page 👇🏼
