Throughout my 15+ years’ experience in corporate, nonprofit, and educational leadership, I’ve watched high-achieving professional women like you struggle. They are being overworked, underpaid, and undervalued in their careers. These women like you have degrees, credentials, massive skill sets and certifications that go underutilized by their employers and themselves. They already possess these skills and talents, and all they need is my guidance to learn how to leverage those assets to their fullest potential.
After helping a friend find and secure a new role, I realized that I could share the strategies and expertise that I had been using to advance my own career. I decided to help women amplify the skills they already have and apply them strategically to advance. Career mentorship was the path for me and that’s when Mentor Me was born.
By the numbers
→ 5 younger siblings
→ 3 number of Beyoncé concerts I’ve been to
→ 128 oz of water I drink each day
→ 8 number of different medical dramas I’m watching on TV right now
Mentor Me
→ 500+ number of women served in workshops, programs and services
→ $1,000,000+ in salary increases, raises, and bonuses earned by my mentees
→ $30,000 the average salary increase my mentees earn after working with me in the Accelerator
→ 100’s the number of industries I’ve helped women transition into
More than wanting to inspire or motivate you with me and my work, I hope you’re driven to take action in your career. It’s not about networking or revising your resume again. It’s not about sending out mass job applications or wearing a different fit. It’s about strategy and application—two things I’ve learned and mastered so that you can too.
Ways To Work With Me
90-day career advancement program for new and mid-level professional women designed to help you find and secure a $25,000 salary increase
6-month executive coaching experience for mid-level professional women who want to advance to the highest levels of leadership, right where they belong
Organizations hire me to prepare their female professionals for the highest levels of leadership